Building communities to help youth dream, believe and achieve

empowering First Nations youth

About Us

Visual Dreaming is First Nations female-led social enterprise and tech company, working on Wiradjuri country Wagga Wagga, Regional NSW creating a digital mind, body and spiritual wellbeing solutions, to empower First Nation youth to co-design and express their dreams, goals and aspirations.

Our digital tools are based on the oldest living culture in the world to enhance well-being through connection to community and culture. We work closely with local Elders to help youth dream, believe, and achieve.

Visual Dreaming is honouring the “Dreaming” by connecting all things natural and spiritual. As relationships and collaboration are vital for First Nations social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing (mental health).

Our Vision

Building communities to help youth dream, believe and achieve

Our Mission

To create a nationwide community through culture, connection and values of Yindyamarra

Meet our team

Leanne Sanders

Leanne Sanders


Shanae Pope

Shanae Pope

General Manager

Luke Wighton

Luke Wighton

Senior Youth Worker/Cultural Advisor

Molly Lenon

Molly Lenon

Youth Hub Coordinator

Jannali Berg

Jannali Berg

Trainee Business Admin

Youth Workers

Maddi Ingram
Maddi Ingram
Chris Davis
Jai Clarke
Jai-James Clarke
Luke Gladman
Luke Gladman
Not pictured

Junior Youth Workers

Yindyamarra Johnson
Yindyamarra Johnson

Elders in Residence

Aunty Cheryl Penrith
Aunty Cheryl Penrith
Aunty Jackie Ingram
Aunty Jackie Ingram
Uncle James Ingram
Uncle James Ingram
Not pictured